On this page you’ll find our Minelab X Terra 505 review. A great all round detector that offers great discrimination and sensitivity for the budding detector. If you are looking to take a step up to the next level from your budget machine or just starting out this is good detector to start with.

Getting Great Reviews
The Minlab X Terra 505 is getting a lot of great reviews from the metal detecting community. As an all round machine users are finding it to be accurate and easy to use. It is a robust build and will work for hours on end with out hurting your arm. For the UK all rounder that is not searching gold it is a great machine.
Buying A Minelab Metal Detector
By buying Minelab metal detectors at any level you are buying a high quality machine. They have a brilliant reputation for building great metal detectors and providing great customer service. The many years of experience they have build up purely in developing metal detector technology shines through in the X Terra 505 bringing you a quality all round meta detector.
Detectors For The Beginner
If you are just starting out in metal detecting this could be a wise choice of detector. It has some preset detecting modes to get you going and is an all round machine. Once you are used to it you can start changing the settings and using it for different types of soil and varying types of searches. It will last you many years without becoming too basic.
For The Experienced Detector
This is a highly versatile machine with a great range of discrimination and ground balance settings and also has the capability of running at different frequencies by changing the coil. You will be able to use this in some demanding conditions and in a very wide range of searches including prospecting, coin hunting and searching the beaches and river banks.
Light Weight Metal Detectors
The X Terra 505 weighs in at a very lightweight 1.3kg which will allow you to detect for hours on end and not get a sore arm. For those of you that are not used to a lot of exercise this is something to consider on long trips.
If you intend to take it on long walks and use it with the family for some fun then it is ideal, packing down into a bag and being light weight means you will hardly notice it while you are walking.
The Minelab X Terra 505 Features
Below we will run through some of the impressive features that are available on this detector. Well suited as an all round detector see if they suit you.
The Coil: V Flex Technology
The coil that comes with the detector is a 9 inch water proof concentric coil that runs at 7.5 Khz. The V Flex technology allows you to change the frequency that the X Terra 505 runs at by changing the coil. It can run at 3Khz, 7.5Khz and 18.75khz depending on the coils that you choose to use. The low frequency 3Khz coil is great for searching for deep and large targets whereas the high frequency 18.75Khz coil is great for prospecting and searching for the small precious metals like jewellery. The coil that comes with it is a great all rounder at 7.5Khz.
Speaker Or Headphones
You have the options of using headphones or using the internal speaker to listen to the frequencies. For the best results it is always better to use the quarter inch jack headphones to cut out any external noise that could interfere with the frequencies.
Pin Point Mode
Pin point mode will help you accurately locate the treasures that you are searching for before you start to dig. There is an audio and visual indicator making it very easy to use.
Adjustable Ground Balance
The highly adjustable range allows the user to filter out any unwanted noise from minerals in the ground.
3 Preset Detecting Modes
For the beginners this is great, choose one of the modes and you are away. Fast and easy to use and as you gain confidence you can start to configure the machine yourself.
Large Discrimination Range
Get rid of a lot of the unwanted signals by having a large range of discrimination. Old nails and ring pulls will be a thing of the past with a well set discrimination level.
Depth Indicator
You can see on the LCD display how deep the object is even in pin pint mode which will make digging a lot easier and a lot more accurate.
Pin Point Recovery
Switching to pin point mode will help you accurately locate the object you have found before you start digging. You will save a lot of time and effort by digging small accurate holes, a great feature.
LCD Display
Easily read all of the feedback from the X Terra 505 with the LCD display. This combined with the frequency through your headphones will give you some pretty accurate information.
A great mid range Minelab metal detector at a reasonable price. It has a good balance of preset and manual settings to make it a very versatile machine that can be used in many areas from the beach to the fields. It doesn’t have a few of the features of the 705 but it is a good detector in its own right and doesn’t break the bank. If you are looking for a detector to try a few types of detecting like beach combing, prospecting for precious metals and some general coin hunting in the field then this is for you.