The American brand has been building high quality metal detectors for over 40 years, starting out as a small American company that built detectors for that market. As the years have gone by they have branched out into the world market with massive success. The company was founded in 1964 on a strong belief to look after its customers and build high quality machines. It certainly has lived up to that and has used its experience to bring a top selling range of detectors to the market.

The USA has always had a big metal detector market which has continued on from the days of the massive gold rush and the countless prospectors out looking to make their riches from the what is buried beneath the surface.

Below we are going to give you an overview of the Garrett range of detectors so that you can assess if any of them meet your requirements. I’m sure one of them will!
The Garrett Metal Detector Range
The company offer a fantastic range of detector models covering the whole spectrum of needs from the beginner machines that offer a lot of power and features for a small budget going all the way up to expensive specialist metal detectors that are built for industrial use. We are concerned here with detectors that are aimed at the UK and European market.
Garrett AT Gold

To read more about this specialist detector click here for the Garrett AT Gold detailed review.
Garrett EuroACE

Click here to read the in depth Garrett EuroACE review.
Garrett ACE 150

To read more click here to go through to our detailed Garrett ACE 150 Review.
Company Divisions
Garrett as a company specialise in metal detecting across the commercial and sport market. The company is broken down into divisions which clearly define the different types of detector that they offer. Below we will give you a brief overview of the different divisions and their purpose.
Sport Detectors
The sport detectors are aimed at the enthusiastic treasure hunters and prospectors around the world that roam the land searching for artefacts, treasures and other historic pieces of metal. The range is designed for the user to get the most out of their detectors by offering beginner machines that have a click and go set up right through to the advanced detectors that are fully configurable for the seasoned hunter. They have detectors that are aimed specifically at the European market which is a great place to start.
Security Detectors
Garrett also use there highly developed metal detection technology to assist in keeping us all safe. With increased security at airports and events in recent years the security experts need to be equipped with the correct tools to carry out there job. Garrett offer a range of walk through metal detectors that allow people to be scanned as they are walking through high security areas like airports or lifts in tall buildings. They also supply hand held metal detectors for searching objects and people quickly by moving the small detector around the area that needs to be searched. Garrets dedication to improving metal detector technology means that they are helping keep our public areas secure.
Mine Searching Detectors
This is such a worthy cause and something that Garrett are dedicated to. They produce high end detectors that are aimed at searching out land mines in areas that have been overcome by conflict over the years. Many people are left with terrible injuries from mines that have been left by armies. Buried in the ground, these horrible weapons need to be found and people’s lives protected and to do this effectively, they build very accurate device to assist with the job.
The American based company have dedicated half a century to improving the technology that is used in all areas of metal detecting. If you buy a Garrett metal detector you are purchasing a product with many years of experience poured into it. A great range and definitely one to consider.